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20 Aug, 2024

What is the Right Process to Choose Custom Ecommerce Website Design for Your Business?

E-commerce website development is precisely what it sounds like: building a website with e-commerce capabilities, allowing a business to sell its goods or services online. While making an essential e-commerce website yourself with some know-how is possible, we always recommend going to the professionals for the best results. There are numerous benefits to having a custom e-commerce website design built.


Choosing Custom Ecommerce Website Design

Now that you have learned why it is worth investing in professional eCommerce website design let’s look at the main techniques used to design an eCommerce website. The information below will help you decide on the method that will be most suitable for your project. 

Use of eCommerce website design templates + small changesMagento and third-party developers provide users with hundreds of paid and free ready-to-use themes. They help save money on eCommerce web design services and provide an easy way to set up a store and make it live quickly. 

Suppose you decide that this approach to eCommerce website design is the best fit for you. In that case, making some changes to the template you choose is recommended, like adding brand colors, logos, website design graphics, and other branding elements.


  • Use of a template + Unique Design:

Sometimes, you might like a template’s eCommerce website layout but want to add some unique elements. By going with this type of design, you will be able to add a few special touches to your future online store. Still, you will need a unique layout and design to design an eCommerce website. 


  • Custom Design:

Unlike other available solutions, this option might be the best choice if you design a unique online store. Suppose you opt for acustom e-commerce website design. In that case, you must hire professional e-commerce website designers who know all the main principles of online store layout, user experience, and user interface. A professional designer can utilize the knowledge to create a highly converting design for every single page of your store. 


Choose Which Type of Store You Want to Build

Custom e-commerce development is a complex landscape with a range of variables. At the beginning of your project, the initial focus should always be on the higher-level image of your future online store and its target audience. Here are the main types: 



  • B2C Stores :

Business-to-consumer solutions help the users complete a task with very minimal effort by revolving around the simplicity and straightforward sales cycles. From a technical perspective, this manifests in intuitive UI/UX, distinctive visuals, and a very integrated solution core. 

To hit their ROIs, the B2C companies focus on the repeat purchases at a massive scale. This calls for in-depth data analysis, complete marketing automation, and 24/7 customer support. 


  • B2B Portals:

B2B customers’ purchasing journey is not linear. Along with a complex funnel, a B2B model often caters to the needs of the vendor partners, or affiliate companies, resellers, selling products or services through manifold channels. As B2B customers must be assigned to several accounts, B2B software is also a multi-model interface. 


  • Marketplaces:

If you are a business that facilitates the exchange of products between sellers and buyers, a customized marketplace would meet well with your business model. Typically, it is often a three-sided platform with user-specific features for the admin, seller, and buyer. 


Design for User Experience:

Design isn’t only about the appearance of your store but how it makes your customers feel. Your e-commerce business must provide a unique experience that creates an emotional tether between your buyers and your products. You want customers to envision your product in their daily lives and make it easy for them to justify their spending habits. 

Beautiful photos and bright colors are lovely, but prioritizing the customer experience has the most significant impact. After a pleasant user experience, customers are more likely to complete their orders at a 400% higher conversion rate and become frequent shoppers. 

A customer-centric design has an organic structure and flow that is consistent and easy to use for buyers across demographics. Simplify your site navigation and include an intelligent search feature to help customers quickly find their desired product. 

Walk through your website to gain insight from the customer’s perspective. How easy is it to search for products? Is it clear which steps customers should take to purchase a product? 


In conclusion 

With an efficient e-commerce website, you could take advantage of an opportunity to increase product awareness and elevate your digital brand. An optimized design improves product visibility, increases store traffic, and provides a personalized user experience. Now, you can build an e-commerce store that merges the key elements of content, commerce, and convenience without technical expertise. Get in touch with our experts at Shyam Future Tech now!