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14 Jul, 2023

Android App Development Company – The Top App Development Trends

When it comes to mobile app development, there is no doubt that Android operating system gets the highest attention. Are you an entrepreneur seeking the best android app development company to get an app developed for your business? If it’s a yes, then you need deep insights to know about the latest android app development trends. In this article today, we are going to share the top 10 android app development trends. Read on to know more. 

  1. Android Instant Apps

Even though instant android apps are not very common, slowly, and steadily these app display types are picking up the pace. Android instant app offers software developers Android Instant App SDK and App Links Assistant. Thus, it permits the android app development company to build more mobile solutions from scratch. Also, it becomes easier to convert the existing apps into Instant Apps. Instant Apps are the future and one of the biggest trends in android app development because it helps users to use an app without compromising the space on their smartphones.  

  1. Navigation Component

Navigation refers to multiple interactions that allow the user to move around in different sections and the app’s content pieces. The android jetpacks come with multiple components of handy navigation. It helps the android app development company to implement the navigations. The implications can range from a single button click to a delicate pattern like a navigation drawer.  

  1. Blockchain Technology

Blockchain technology is making rounds for many years, and it has finally come to action. Blockchain technology offers enhanced solutions for decentralized app development that eliminates unauthorized access and ensures transparency. Did you know? The blockchain technology market is said to grow at 62.73% CAGR by 2026, which makes it $52.5 billion.  

Decentralized apps are open-sourced, smart contract-based software apps that continue transactions on the blockchain. These apps run on a decentralized blockchain, and you cannot change the data or erase it. These apps are the future of mobile app development. They enable faster payment and reliable data records and are tamper-proof. Using blockchain technology, an android app development company can ensure robust security standards. Blockchain technology is becoming a part of the trends in android app development, especially in the financial sector, like apps for mobile banking and currency exchanges.  

  1. Chatbot/Google Assistant

Presently, most of business owners want to integrate their app services with Google Assistant. The main advantage of investing in such integration is it offers users better and faster ways to access the app directly. Using Google app actions, the users will get access to the app’s deep link that allows them to perform specific activities within the application from Google Assistant.  

  1. Multiplatform Development with Flutter

Google introduced a new technology known as Flutter. An android app development company must be aware of it because it is the future of android app development. Flutter is a cross-platform framework that helps to develop excellent mobile apps through a single codebase. Many developers choose this platform to develop mobile apps because of its flexibility. The main reason to choose Flutter is it is easy to learn and has a native design. This is one of the most preferred frameworks for minimum viable product development. It enables the developers to build an app on native platforms like Android or iOS.  

  1. IoT (Internet of Things)

This is one of the crucial mobile app development trends of the last two years. In simple terms, IoT devices are connected to the internet and can communicate with each other that, allow them to exchange data and share information. With this connectivity, there are more opportunities for developing mobile apps. With IoT, mobile apps can interact with physical objects and devices. For instance, a mobile app can be used for controlling a smart home device or a security system. The introduction of 5G will soon open the doors for more devices and data traffic.  

  1. APM & EMM 

APM (application performance management) and EMM (Enterprise Mobile Management) are the main elements of mobile enterprise development. These technologies are mostly used to reduce the slowness of mobile apps. With the overall increase in mobile app development, the speed of a mobile app has become a major criterion for mobile apps.  

  1. Motion Layout 

The layout used by the developers for managing the motion and widget animation is known as motion layout. This is a tool that is a part of the constraint layout library and is compatible with Android 4.0. With these libraries, an android app development company can quickly fill up all the gaps between complex motion handling and layout transitions because these tools offer high-end and useful features. Developers use motion layouts to create multiple interfaces that use animations. These help them to understand what is going on with the app.